Guess there's not really much to add to my blog since last time.
Mom and Dad came down on New Year's Eve and spent the night at our house and then stayed all day the next day, mom was helping to sew curtains for our living room, I still need to finish them but haven't found the time to yet.
Bud had Thursday and Friday off last week so it was nice to have him home for a couple days.
Please continue to pray for my job situation, I have a lead that I'm working on just finished a resume tonight that I'm hoping to get into the agency and hope that everything works out!
I think we're going to my parents tomorrow for over night since Bud has Wednesday off. Mom's missing her kids pretty bad with Kevin being in boot camp and I'm now an hour and half away and Keith and his family are clear back down in NC!
Well I better get moving I have to pick a few things up at the grocery store and get back home!
Dan's New website
9 years ago