Well our weekend was pretty full. I cleaned alot on Saturday. Sunday we had our pastor and his wife over for dinner which went very well despite all of my woes about it! We had ham and sweet potatoes and corn and salad, (didn't have desert because they were going to a b-day party afterward and so they would get cake there!).
I'm actually writing this from work I found out I was allowed to get on the internet while on my lunch break so that's how I'm doing this.
It was so beautiful over the weekend and then I got up this morning to cold weather again UGH!!! I want it to get warm to stay! I'm anxious to start planting things and making the outside of our house look nice! (not that it doesn't but y'all know what I mean!)
Bud's work is going to 7 days a week at the end of March Ughh! (well he won't be working Sundays though he's already put his foot down on that a couple times and they're pretty good about it!) A commisary in Cleveland closed (He works for Brueggar's Bagels and I guess they call it a commisary!) So we'll both be staying pretty busy even though my schedule hopefully won't change that much.
The youth and I discussed names for the group and came up with S.W.A.T - Servants With A Testimony. We're going to try and go out calling this weekend. We've got the faithful 3 now and we really need to get more in not just for numbers but because it's what we're called to do! I did get some encouragement at church yesterday during a song and the Pastor's sermon was pretty good too! 2 of our youth boys and their grandmother sang the song "God on the Mountain" and it talks about how that even in the valley He's still God! That's so true and sometimes it's really easy to encourage someone else but when we get there ourselves it's a total different story and we don't see the way out but during his sermon yesterday the Pastor said "a valley is just a mountain turned upside down." I really like that phrase!
Well I've got to get back to work! TTYL
Dan's New website
9 years ago